Friday, November 4, 2011

TGIF: Bored to Brunette

I was bored and dyed my hair to brunette.  I've been blonde, brunette and every shade in between. It's something different and it lasts as long as I want it to last. (Oh my did I just type that! LOL)...  Anyway during this lull between Holidays or as I call it the Holidaze... what kinds of updates would you like to see?  I know feet, heels and boobs are always popular!   Come on guys and gals give me some ideas and I'll try my best to make them happen!  Have a great weekend!!

xxooxxoo - Taffy


  1. Dear Taffy,

    You should write about shaving. I assume you do. A long-ago boyfriend got me to shave for the first time, and now I do it all the time. My present boyfriend had never had a woman who shaves, and he loves it, even though he has since told me he didn’t think he would. And now he even shaves, too (not completely, but all the pertinent areas). But I’ve never been with a guy who didn’t like it. I think it is a great enhancement to sex.

    p.s. You should show us your new hair.

  2. Thanks XXXX if I wasn't so tired with the time change I would write something more than this now. I love the feeling of a clean shaved 'kitty' and I agree most men to too. Hubby included. More later, promise!
